What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

May 6, 2013 | Bio-Identical Hormones

The NYC Pain Management and Anti-Aging Center is committed to assisting you in feeling your very best today and for the rest of your life. The center’s state-of-the-art Anti-Aging Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy has been demonstrated to slow or even reverse many symptoms of the aging process.

Bio-Identical Hormone Management is about supplementing hormones that are identical to your own human hormones in amounts sufficient to maintain youthful vigor, energy, skin tone, libido, mental acuity, and good health. The goal is to return your hormone levels to the optimal levels of a healthy person in his or her early thirties – the age when your immune system is strongest and your metabolism most efficient. When Hormone Management returns your body to a younger hormonal state, you are better able to respond to optimal nutrition and exercise and you are able to live a healthier life… longer. Upon consulting the Dr. he/she will determine whether this therapy will be appropriate for your individual Anti-Aging program.

How can I get started?

At the NYC Pain Management and Anti-Aging Center, the Dr. evaluates each patient, and a plan is developed for your personal treatment. Contact our office to find out how you personally would benefit from an Anti-Aging program.

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