Softer than Botox Look
The smartest way to buy DYSPORT in New York City!
2.5 Dysport units = 1 Botox unit
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Dysport® is a gentle, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure, approved for use in more than 24 countries over the past decade and a half. Dysport® injections are primarily used in the forehead area, specifically to treat the deep lines in the shape of an ‘11’ between your eyes that occur from furrowing your brow. These creases, called glabellar lines, become more noticeable when you squint or frown. Over time, they will become more pronounced even when your face is relaxed. Dysport® reduces the appearance of lines that affect the glabella, the area between your eyebrows, which provides a fresher, naturally youthful appearance. In addition to glabellar lines, Dysport® can also be used to:
- Eliminate forehead lines
- Smooth out crow’s feet
- Reduce wrinkles around the mouth
- Improve nasal squint line
Patient was treated with 50 units of Dysport in the frown lines.
32 days after initial treatment. Actual patient. Individual results may vary.